Client: International Operator

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Challenge: During a previous drilling campaign, the client faced significant well problems, including a substantial kick. Aberdeen Drilling International was approached to provide immersive simulation-based training with Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) integration.

Solution: The full-size cyber simulator and our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) facilitated hyper-realistic simulations using third-party MPD application integration.


During a previous drilling campaign, the client faced significant well problems, including a substantial kick. Recognising the need to enhance their team’s preparedness and response capabilities, the client reached out. Their goals were to mitigate risks, improve operational efficiency, and ensure better handling of MPD systems. The target audience for this training included the entire drilling team, from rig operators to supervisory personnel.


Using a full-size cyber simulator, our Subject Matter Experts designed a digital twin of the anticipated well, incorporating potential problems and scenarios that could arise during the drilling campaign. The training sessions were immersive and hyper-realistic, integrating third-party MPD applications to ensure a thorough understanding of the systems.

The training program involved all key stakeholders, including the operator, drilling contractor, and MPD service provider, fostering a collaborative environment. Each session was meticulously planned and executed to address both technical challenges and human factors, ensuring that the entire drilling team was well-prepared for any eventuality.


By customizing the training to reflect real-world conditions and potential issues, we significantly enhanced the team’s readiness and response capabilities resulting in the drilling campaign being a success, with no major incidents recorded. The delegates left the course with improved technical skills, heightened situational awareness, and a stronger ability to manage unexpected challenges.

The client provided positive feedback, noting the improved confidence and competence of their drilling team. They appreciated the hands-on, realistic approach of the training and the collaboration between all parties involved. Follow-up actions included periodic refresher courses to ensure ongoing proficiency and safety in their operations.

“Various scenarios have helped the team to understand and follow procedures, and also to identify gaps.” – MPD Technical Advisor, Service Company

“I feel that this course strengthened the communication between the key personnel involved in other projects. We know how to tackle problems based on simulation.” Operator Representative